In other news, finally back to school for good on Wednesday with the pleasurable feeling of knowing I have done all my Holiday Assignments (something I've never even thought of doing before) and I have completed the unbelievably hard task of tidying my room. Earlier on today, my sister walked into the room asking to borrow something, forgot what she'd come in for and instead started wandering about, as if to assure herself that it was real. Hell, I'm not known for being the most tidy, organised and pro-active of people. I expect most of my family believed it would stay looking as though a bomb had dropped or I had been robbed for the next couple of years... by which point, going off to University would have forced me to have to do something about it. I am also glad to be finally heading back towards less warm weather because I honestly feel I can dress better when I don't have to worry about removing layers.
In Fashion News, only a few days until New York Fashion Weeks kicks off the rest and we can lust over designer offerings for next Spring (And, if you are like myself, curse yourself for never having any money to spare)
And in the news most related to this blog post, Phillip Lim has created his own comic book to coincide with the launch of his latest collection. The designer has produced one-off comic Kill The Night, in line with the inspiration for his Autumn/Winter 2012/2013 Pret-a-Porter line, which was heavily influenced by famous comic book fiction such as Sin City and V for Vendetta in particular "the neo-noir heroines" that feature in them.

The book is set to launch on September 6 to coincide with Vogue Fashion's Night Out.
(PS: If you happen to be in New York on Fashion's Night Out, in which case I am very jealous, then might find it worth your while to visit the Phillip Lim boutique, where every customer who makes a purchase will receive a signed copy of the comic book, and an additional 15 per cent off on their purchases)
So, with all this in mind, I thought I would use the opportunity to look back at the collection and present my favourite pieces.
^^^ Gold shoes, of which everybody needs a pair to brighten up their outfit. If paired like this with almost entirely black, it creates a very dynamic and chic effect.

^^^ Lovely - Geometrical lines are here to stay.

The above might just steal my prize for favourite-in-collection. It is imbued with wearability and, paired with the right accessories, would feel as right in a casual environment as it would in a formal one. Lovely cut, lovely high waist and gorge belt! This style of belt was used more than once and I am now mentally thinking about keeping an eyes open for flimsy plastic belt cheaper versions of it.
Again with the whimsical, transluscent plastic belts - in this case, it just gives new dimensions and textures to the outfit and, in doing so, finishes it off perfectly.
^^^ Simply beautiful. The belt, the collar, the cape-like feel. *Flails*
^^^ I do not know if I would normally love (Like, certainly) but I do... it looks elegant, the coat is practical for cold weather, it has the waists I love and the colours are demure and elegant. With bright colours, elements like the coat and the collar would have been 'overkill alert!' As it is, stunning.

When the sunglasses are this nice, we can forgive them being worn in Winter. When outside of a skiing resort, I normally get a little cynical and sarcastic about sunglasses at that time of year, and it is a mark to how and with what they are worn that I let this slide.
Again, these couple of outfits have the cape-like coats and gauze which I so admire.

I like this close-up of the outfit much more than I like the outfit... beautiful shot.
Because we all need a pair of high-waist red (with an orange tinge) trousers. Something to save
for a gloomy day and an instant brightener to the general mood. I believe in crazy things like: colourful, well-fitted clothes have an undeniable ability to cheer people up, or me in any case.

Thank you for reading, please comment and feel free to follow! (No, really - feel free, and know that I answer any questions you may have as best as I can)
I don't really get the idea, but it's cool!
The collection is amazing, I love the cut and silhoutte.
o wwaaawwww golden shoes amazing !
hey thanks for your comment on my blog
I'm following you would love a follow back!
CrAzY and CooL post!!
I really like it:)
I follow you!
Greetings from Greece
amazing inspirations:) really like your interpretation:)
also forgot to mention that you do an amazing work with your blog!! I can tell you really take time to show your perspective and that's amazing dear!!:) congratulations:)
great post :d
Great post. I love the clothes.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Thanks for your comment! Great selection!
Kisses, Den.
Ahhh This post is so much fun I love that you combined fashion with the comic strips. Amazing! Thanks for visiting my blog I hope you followed it if you liked it! I've followed yours on GFC xx
thanks so much for your comment!I love your blog <3
Following you via GFC. I would love if you could do the same<3
wow, the outfits are just so amazing!! very fashionable. i adore the golden shoes :) XO
Interesting post!Would you like to follow each other?
Love Nyt,
BIG hair LOUD mouth
I wanna go to NY so bad!
What a great collection!
Un post trĆØs intĆ©ressant et j'aime beaucoup cette collection. Le style est trĆØs recherchĆ©, c'est assez unique.
De belles tenues.
Lovely blog and post!:)
I'm now following, hope you follow back! xx
It's a crazy and smart post! i really love it!
I follow you!kisses!
OMg! The shoes!! I am in love!
Btw Zoe, can you please take some time to check out this new Bloggers Against Social Injustice network where fashion bloggers come together to make this world a better place.
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I hope to see you there! :)
Bloggers Against Social Injustice
that's the only word I can say now
Wow, love your vision and edge...Must take u a lot of work, darling, but the final result is really outstanding! xoxo
Really cool post + blog! Nice!!
I LOVE this collection! Especially the accessories! Oh, what I wouldn't do for these golden shoes...
xo Iga
I love the outfits, so perfect!
So elegant!Love these outfits!!great photos!
thanks for visiting us!!
I adore ! Just a great post !
i like this post, it's very good and i also like details here. would you like to follow each other?
I love this collection! All the designs are amazing, and the shoes too!!
I just discovered today your blog, and I'm totally in love with it! Hope you canc check my blog too, and follow me if you like it!
Great collection, it's so inspiring and simple yet perfect!
Btw, thanks so much for the nice comment on my blog. I just followed you on GFC, hope you did the same! And if you want, we can follow each other on other platforms. Just let me know if you do through a comment or a post on my facebook page and I'll definately follow you back!
Have a lovely day,
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lovely outfits you've chosen here! thanks for your comment on my blog :)
i'm your newest follower on gfc! please visit me and see if you want to follow too? i think you'll like my outfits :)
great post.;)
thanks for comment on my blog .;)
Great items! Thanks for your comment!
With love,
Congrats :) the collections are gorgeous!!
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